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A member registered May 05, 2019

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Oh, I'd like to say my favorite thing was your eye for detail, it was really good :p The bunny changing over time was a nice touch. 

It's not the biggest issue, but I found that if you press forward then try to go down in one motion, like forward to down, you'll keep on walking. I got used to it, but I'd assume it's a bug. 

To anyone wondering, there is 3 endings to this game. Hope ya find them, the first one you can get is pretty funny, at least to me.

I got the same bug after getting grabbed, I went to main menu and back and it worked again. At least for me

Just finished getting through this, was pretty good. I made a sample map from the main corridor and tried to figure out what the rooms were. After getting similar areas done, ran into some that didn't work in that method and elimination for others. Thought two areas were an area, wasted the key, obviously knew after being in it.

The concept is pretty cool, can cause you to panic if you go in unprepared, trying to remember which next key is the one you actually need. After doing the map thing, just prepped in advance, key is 5 down? Enter room, press down to get it quickly, run past.

Went in again without losing any keys, though don't know if that does anything, got two different endings. Would continue playing if there is more, but hard to tell without just running around with no idea. Was fun. 

Played it a few times, derp a lot when I see a's and d's :p Saw this guys time and knew death was apon me, so saved it. Spiders tend to be the only ones I really felt like skipping at times, depends on the return of killing over losing.  Good enough armor makes any rat encounter and like 50/50 imp encounter pretty easy to get more health from. Was fun.